FNDS is acquiring Orthorectified High Resolution Satellite Imagery of the entire territory of Mozambique in a total area of approximately 802.000 sq. km that will be used to establish an accurate and up to date base map for entire territory of the country to support the Mozland registration process and massive systematic land regularization process, as well as for physical planning for the rest of the country.

Please find the Bid Document on the following link: 24_MLAND_G_2020_Acquisition of Orthorectified High-Resolution Satellite Imagery

Important note: For the purpose of dissemination to interested bidders of any additional information regarding this tendering procedure, after downloading the tender document, we request that you send to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., the name of the company, contact person and email address.

Response to clarification number one

Addendum 01_Acquisition of Ortho-rectified High Resolution Satellite Imagery


Clarifications_1_Imagens Satelite_CLEAR

Access Link to the Tender Opening

Designação do Consultor: Engenheiro de Confiabilidade de Site (SRE) 

Duração do Contrato: 12 Meses (Renovável)

Referência do Concurso:  Ref. 389/FNDS/UGEA/IC/20

  1. O Governo de Moçambique, representado pelo Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (FNDS), está em processo de preparação de um projecto que visa a modernização dos serviços de administração de terras e regularização dos direitos de posse de terra em Moçambique, correntemente intitulado “Mozambique Land Administration Project”, a ser financiado pelo Grupo Banco Mundial. Para garantir a implementação adequada das actividades do projecto o FNDS pretende contratar 3 consultores individuais.


The Project Development Objective is to strengthen land tenure security in selected districts and improve the efficiency and accessibility of land administration services.

O Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável vem, por esta via, anunciar a lista dos 50 candidatos selecionados para a fase de pré-incubação no âmbito da Manifestação de Interesse (MdI) referente ao SUSTENTA JOVEM START UP's lançado e publicado no dia 14 de Fevereiro de 2020. 

Employer: National Fund for Sustainable Development (FNDS) Sustainable Development

Project: Mozambique Land Administration Project (Terra Segura)

Contract title: Acquisition of Digital Orthorectified Imagery for Base Mapping

Country: Mozambique

Loan No. /Credit No. / Grant No.: IDA Grant No. D401-MZ

RFB No: 23/MLAND/NCS/2019 Acquisition of Digital Orthorectified Imagery for Base Mapping

Issued on: 21 July 2020

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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