
The Project Development Objective is to strengthen land tenure security in selected districts and improve the efficiency and accessibility of land administration services.

The development objective of the Project will be achieved by:

Accelerating the establishment of the cadastre and the registration of DUATs in rural areas; Integrating basic land use planning with community delimitation and systematic land regularization activities; Improving the legal and operational environment of the cadastre; Strengthening the institutional and community capacity for land administration;  Improving the cadastre registration system and accessibility of cadastral services and data to the public, and;  Raising awareness regarding the importance of real property rights particularly at the community level.


Ficha descritiva do Projecto

 documentos  do concurso 

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Conheça mais sobre o SUSTENTA
Projecto de Gestão Integrada de Agricultura e Recursos Naturais

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Criação e Implementação: DotCom