The Government of Mozambique has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Mozambique Land Administration Project (Terra Segura), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include i) verification of the various processes that form part of land regularization against the applicable laws and other legal regulations of the country, the harmonized methodology for land regularization and the safeguard instruments (Environmental and Social Management Framework and Social Risk Mitigation Strategy, GBV Strategy) of the MozLand Project in order to certify compliance and enhance the quality of the processes of the DUAT tittles and DELCOMs; ii) full verification of the transparent community participation, proper handling of common areas, resolution or registration and proper referral of conflicts and claims, including overlaps with protection zones, and support for ensuring that vulnerable households do not lose access to land; and iii) strengthen the capacity of the key national actors involved in the land regularization, to undertake quality control and quality assurance processes.

The duration of the assignment is 17 months and must coincide with the Phase 01 of the LTR/DELCOM process.

For more details please read the Request for Expressions of Interest and the Terms of Reference for the Consultancy

Important note: For the purpose of dissemination to interested bidders of any additional information regarding this tendering procedure, after downloading the tender document, we request that you send to email Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar., the name of the company, contact person and email address.

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Conheça mais sobre o SUSTENTA
Projecto de Gestão Integrada de Agricultura e Recursos Naturais

Assista o video institucional do projecto

Criação e Implementação: DotCom